Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This week's assignment was easy since I do it frequently with my family--we have even been known to IM from computer to computer right in the same house. (There are three computers in my house and three people.)

IM is great if several people are trying to have a conversation with each other or between two people. Doesn't use up cell minutes and speeds communication in a hurry. Only problem is that you need a computer with Internet and all persons must be available at the same time. It is also more difficult if you don't have high speed Internet--I remember those days well!

In addition to the times listed above I have also used it with a company when experiencing problems with their product. We have IMed the bank to clear up a discrepancy in balance. Medical personnel find it helpful when discussing patients. Personally I think the possibilities are almost endless and will increase as more people learn how.

I have not used it at the library but again see lots of possibilities, especially when a patron needs help finding a book or has a reference question. As a patron I would use it if available since I can get an answer faster.

Nanet's Spot

Well, better late than never. Last week was a blur so now I am playing catch up! Hope it's all this easy. Nanet